+91 6309699082, +91 7207866321

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Privacy and Policy

This Privacy Policy describes how SHRIEES FASSHIONS (the "Site","we", "us", or "our") collects, uses, and discloses your personal information when you visit, use our services, or make a purchase from www.shrieesfasshions.com (the "Site") or otherwise communicate with us (collectively, the "Services"). For purposes of this Privacy Policy, "you" and "your" means you as the user of the Services, whether you are a customer, website visitor, or another individual whose information we have collected pursuant to this Privacy Policy.

Please read this Privacy Policy carefully. By using and accessing any of the Services, you agree to the collection, use, and disclosure of your information as described in this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to this Privacy Policy, please do not use or access any of the Services.

Collection of Personal Identification Information:

We may gather personal identification information from users through various means, including but not limited to, user visits to our website, registration, newsletter subscriptions, and participation in other activities, services, features, or resources available on the Website.



Information Collected During Website Visits

When you access the Website, we automatically collect data regarding your device, interactions with the site, and information necessary for processing your purchases. This data may include:


Device information: Gathered to ensure proper Website functionality and perform analytics for Site optimization.

Order information: Collected for contractual fulfilment, payment processing, shipping arrangements, and communication purposes.


In this Privacy Policy, the term "Personal Information" refers to any information about an identifiable individual. Please refer to the following sections for a comprehensive list of collected Personal Information and its purpose.

Personal Information Collected:

Device Information:

Purpose: Accurate loading of the Site, analytics for Site enhancement.

Collection Source: Automatically collected via cookies, log files, web beacons, tags, or pixels.

Shared for Business Purposes: With our processor BIZMATE.

Collected Personal Information: Version of web browser, IP address, time zone, cookie data, viewed sites or products, search terms, Site interaction.

Order Information:

Purpose: Provision of products/services, contract fulfillment, payment processing, shipping, invoicing, communication, risk screening, fraud prevention, product/service information.

Collection Source: Directly collected from you.

Shared for Business Purposes: With our processor BIZMAT.

Collected Personal Information: Name, billing address, shipping address, payment information (credit card numbers, UPI, email address, phone number).

Sharing of Personal Information

We may share Personal Information with service providers to support service delivery and contract fulfilment.

We may share Personal Information to comply with legal requests, protect rights, and respond to lawful requests.

Categories of Information Collected

When using our website, we may collect the following categories of information:



Contact information (email address, phone number, postal address).

Demographic details (gender, age).

Any user-generated content uploaded/posted on our website or affiliated third-party social media platforms.

Third-party account credentials (e.g., log-in credentials for Facebook).

Additional information as deemed necessary by SHRIEES FASSHIONS for service provision.

Purpose of Information Usage


SHRIEES FASSHIONS may utilize your information for the following purposes:

Accurate product sizing: To assist users in selecting the appropriate size for their orders.

Delivery facilitation: Sharing contact information with delivery personnel.

Service enhancement: Improving services and introducing new products.

Feedback & Market Research: Contacting users for feedback and conducting analysis to enhance services.

Payment processing: Utilizing financial information for transactions.

Marketing & Advertising: Sending promotional email/alerts/whatsapp, anonymized data for targeted advertising.

Research & Development: Using information for retail-related research and development.

Security: Implementing security protocols in accordance with applicable laws.

Security of Your Information

SHRIEES FASSHIONS  has established security protocols and standards to safeguard information as required by Indian law. Appropriate data collection, storage, processing practices, and security measures are implemented to prevent unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction of personal information and data.

However, SHRIESS FASSHIONS  cannot be held responsible for external breaches beyond its control, including hacking, cyber-attacks, and unauthorized access.



Your Responsibilities


You are obligated to provide accurate information for service utilization. SHRIEES FASSHIONS reserves the right to deny services if essential information is not provided. Safeguard your account with a strong password and sign off after usage.

Third-Party Sharing

SHRIES FASSHIONS shares information with service providers, event organizers, and others for service fulfilment. Information may be shared for legal compliance, investigation, and potential fraud prevention.

Cookies Policy

SHRIEES FASSHINS employs cookies to enhance user experience on our website. You can manage cookie preferences through browser and device settings. Cookies are used for purposes such as site functionality, performance analysis, and advertising relevance.


Changes to this Policy

SHRIEES FASSHIONS  reserves the right to amend this Policy. Regularly review this document for updates. Continued Website usage indicates acceptance of modifications.

Applicable Law

Disputes arising from this Policy shall be governed by Indian law and subject to SHRIEES FASSHIONS's terms of use.

Links to Other Sites

The Website may contain external links. SHRIEES FASSHIONS  is not responsible for the privacy policies/practices of other sites. Check each site's privacy policy when following external links


We use Razorpay for processing payments. We/Razorpay do not store your card data on their servers. The data is encrypted through the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS) when processing payment. Your purchase transaction data is only used as long as is necessary to complete your purchase transaction. After that is complete, your purchase transaction information is not saved. Our payment gateway adheres to the standards set by PCI-DSS as managed by the PCI Security Standards Council, which is a joint effort of brands like Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. PCI-DSS requirements help ensure the secure handling of credit card information by our store and its service providers. For more insight, you may also want to read terms and conditions of razorpay on https://razorpay.com



For more details and queries about this policy contact us at +91 6309699082 or mail at [email protected]

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